Wildlife Contaminants Research Training Workshop for Nunavut Arctic College's Environmental Technology Program

Since 2007, the Nunavut Research Institute (NRI) coordinates the Wildlife Contaminants Research Training Program for students in the Environmental Technology Program. This week-long workshop (delivered in the fall semester) combines lectures, interactive lab and field activities, and group discussions, and engages researchers, hunters, and decision makers.

Students learn a variety of practical techniques to measure, assess, manage and communicate about contaminants in country foods. Students learn specific methods for wildlife tissue sampling (with a focus on marine birds, caribou and seal), and they learn how to develop and evaluate contaminants, as well as communication strategies for target audiences in Nunavut. Under the guidance of local hunters and elders, students are also introduced to traditional butchering and skin preparation techniques of marine birds, caribou, and seals, and they gain insights into Inuit perspectives on wildlife health.

The training provides a foundation for Nunavut’s future environmental managers and decision makers to engage in contaminants research, and to effectively interpret, evaluate, and convey contaminants information to community members.

Simply Science Summer Camp

The camp is a 2-week summer science education program that NRI delivers to school children (9 to 13 years of age) in various Nunavut communities. In a day school setting, participants learn how to develop their own websites, and they conduct a variety of educational chemistry, biology and physics experiments relevant to the Arctic. For more information about the summer programs contact the NRI’s Manager of Scientific Support Services, Sean Qappik, sean.qappik@arcticcollege.ca



Research Presentations

Researchers working in Nunavut are encouraged to share their research with the public. NRI arranges talks for researchers visiting Iqaluit. For more information contact NRI’s Manager of Scientific Support Services, Sean Qappik, sean.qappik@arcticcollege.ca.